Next Steps is exactly that…the Next Steps to knowing more about LFCCOG and us getting to know you.  This 2-week track is your first step towards getting involved at LFCCOG. At Next Steps you’ll discover more about faith in Christ; God’s purpose for your life; connecting to the local church; becoming a member of LFCCOG, and discovering a place for you to serve.

We’re all a part of something larger than ourselves. Each person has something of value to give to the mission of showing people how to follow Jesus.

Together we live out our Vision of “Doing life, Faith and Community together


Before you begin to serve at LFCCOG, we ask people to go through our Next Steps session. It will guide you to discover your redemptive purpose towards living the life God created for you.  The Growth Session is made up of two Next Steps Classes that equip you to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose and serve others.




Throughout scripture we see people serving each other. Jesus provided an excellent model for us as the Apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 4:10b. “through love serve one another”.

As a church, we seek to serve our brothers and sister as a sign of our love for Christ. We serve because of the hope we have in Christ and the responsibility entrusted to us and to anyone who will hear and accept this expression.

  • You can serve with a warm smile at our services
  • use your talent to enhance the worship service
  • Care for our children as you lead them to Christ
  • Host a small group where we share common interests, and do life and community together.
  • and so much more.


As a small church, we enjoy the fellowship of small groups. This is not to shy away from being a larger group. But rather, a small group creates a space for persons to find out about their purpose while developing their skills.